GOPRO MISSING episode 2! Owner found!

Hey dear readers,

I hope you are alive and kicking today! Cuz I am! This quick post to let you know, that after a thorough investigation, we were able to reunite the Gopro and his owner.

First and for all thx a lot at the people of Canggu Chronicles for their wonderful article about my fairy tail love live and Sean from Oldman’s for your help.

How did it happen? Well by luck. I was studying Indo at Oldman’s I was on the verge of leaving and I recognized her.

So like Hannibal Smith would say: “I love it when a plan comes together”

Thx for all you of your shares and the fact that you made me belief in us humble humans!

Lost Gopro please share so we can find the owner!!

Hey my peeps!

You know how much I believe in people. This week I found an Iphone that I was able to get back to the owner. It was actually lying in a pocket bag on my bike.

Today on my Bday 19th of march around 19:00 2015, I found a Gopro 3+ on a table in the bar called Oldman’s at Batu Bolong surf spot in Canggu.

She was with a teacher.

The picture of the owner is here on top! Please share so we can find her asap.

Thx and have an awesome day!