7 months in my new life… What did I learn or some tips to make it easier to travel with your bag on the shoulder and your boards under your arm.

Hey my dearest reader,

It has been a while since I took the time to lay my thoughts on a sheet of virtual paper. Which I quite actually love, it is an interesting/ different/ weird way to stay in touch. Indeed when meeting old friends those days some that I didn’t talk to for quite a while are like:“Hey dude awesome, I follow your adventures on your blog, I love it! How did you make it happen?” My answer is the following: “Bro thanx for letting me know” Then I pause and try to gather my thoughts to indeed fgure out how do I do it and my answer is the following “I didn’t it is just the beginning”. So this post is dedicated to you old friend.

  1. First and for all make the decision and talk to your friend about it. Why? Because they will remind you about it once in a while or every week till you do it. This makes sure that for the time you postpone the leap ; a mouse, a rabbit or a werewolf (depending on which friend you refer to) will come and scratch your brain about it and say: “Dude aren’t you suppose to go and see the world?”
  1. Prepare the leap… Empty your closet; sell everything you can on Craigslist, EBay or at the thrift shop around the corner. What to do with your apartment? Well there are agencies at least in Brussels that will for a small fee care for your place and your new tenant. Maybe you could even ask your little sister to start an Airbnb business with your place… I just came back for a month and I was surprised to realize that I wanted to clear a lot of the stuff I wanted to keep 7 months ago.

How do I feel now? I rented my apartment and have way less possessions. I wasn’t using all that crap anyway. To me it felt awesome. Free, light and like the world is your oyster kind of deal. Also like jumping in a massive waterfall with a Borat gstring. You will I promise you that discover new pieces of yourself not specially Borat like.

May be the next question is what do you really need?

  1. I would say the first thing you need is a good health insurance. Better safe than sorry. The rules depends on your country, make some research, talk to your insurance broker and fing book one. Why? Well it cost you around 90 usd a month and we all know what could be the price of hospital costs…
  2. Several bank cards and don’t carry them all with you when you go party. Have an extra solution if you lose all of them. Make sure that there is an atm on the remote place you decide to go.
  3. You will sleep in weird places so earplugs and eye mask comes handy especially when the place you booked is right next door to the mosque or your hotel have a kiss concert rehearsal at 5 o clock in the morning (both true stories)…
  4. PC, Sun cream the one they sell abroad is shit, phone, Kindle (books are heavy to carry). Everything to deal with your bank transfer and taxes. Sunglasses, sketchbook.
  5. Your Smile! Running shoes, music, your sense of humor and a pair of invisible glasses that helps you have a different perspective on life.

So this is my train of thoughts lately… See you in the world. Write your own Legend.

Photos By Raphael Leturcq


7 thoughts on “7 months in my new life… What did I learn or some tips to make it easier to travel with your bag on the shoulder and your boards under your arm.

  1. C est vraiment bien. Hope to see you when back from canada . Françoise

    Envoyé à partir de mon Windows Phone ________________________________


  2. Well, I’m inspired! Just went on my first Trip to Portugal. Scored my first blue wave and fell in love! So my friend who rented out your appartment – sent link to your blog to make me feel more bad about returnkng to Riga! Hope to read more posts about surfing , perfect spots, where to stay and so on! 😉
    Best Wishes,


    • Hey Laura,

      Thanx a lot for your comment. I hope you will find some waves on your own soon enough or start your own adventure!

      May the force be with you


  3. Well, wrote a ling comment, had to loging and lost it all.. So here comes long stroy – short!
    Inspiring! My friend who rented out Your flat sent a link to your blog- as I just came back from Portugal where I scored my first blue wave. That was a love from the first bruise!
    Hope to read more about surfing , eating, living and travelling! 😉
    Best wishes,


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